Galileo discovered that the Earth revolved around the sun.
Sir Isacc Newton found that white light actually consists of 7 colors!
In today's world, scientists at NASA explored and discovered the next frontier of wellness----
The Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy for healing at a cellular level is for everyone!
What does it mean to use PEMF therapy for healing?
What does PEMF do and where did it come from?
"There's a revolutionary cure for pain that few doctors know about because it is not a new pill or surgery.
It uses moving magnet energy waves that changes the way your body copes with pain." Dr. Mehmet Oz
The magnetic therapy Dr. Oz refers to is called 'Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field' therapy, or PEMF, and is based on the idea that magnetic waves can relieve pain and help the healing process for many medical conditions.
To test the theory, NASA did a 4-year collaborative study on the efficacy of electromagnetic fields to stimulate growth and repair in mammalian tissues. The summary of this amazing discovery is below:
T. Goodwin said, "PEMF shuts down each dysregulatory gene we studied.
Final Recommendation: One may use square wave EM fields with rapid rate of change"*
All Cellular Healing begins with positive thoughts.
With the use of the Magnetic Resonance Systems, scientists found a way to speed up the cellular healing process.
Additional studies can be found at Simply type 'pemf therapy' in the search box.
Scroll down to find the particular study you are interested in, such as #8 has to do with post operative bone healing.
*The iMRS by Swiss Bionics is the only product on the market that utilizes the square wave proven by NASA.
the iMRS PRIME is the only approved PEMF system approved by Health Canada to be used as a medical device.
Who is Paulette?
I entered the Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields endeavor around 2007 when an extreme fall. The full impact of the fall became all too real when I discovered extensive nerve damage. I literally could not walk. My right leg was useless.
I remember walking down the hall at the school where I taught, when incredible pain shot down my right leg. I instantly knew that my leg simply would not be able to support me---not even one more step. A male teacher happened to be walking by and saw my face. He asked if I needed help. "Ron, I can't walk." He wanted to get me a wheelchair. I said 'No way!" So, instead, he and I limped to a chair with wheels and I wheeled myself into the room using the Fred Flintstone method. By the end of the day, the pain was unbearable. Even though I always considered myself to have a high tolerance for pain, I foolishly gobbled Advil---4 to 8 at a time, at least four times a day. Not real smart of me but pain can do that to a person.
The pain grew worse with each passing day. I sought professional help.
A back surgeon administered three series of shots in the nerves in my spine--- to which I had minimal relief.
Then, I went to a nerve specialist who checked the nerve damage with a special machine by inserting a very long needle into my leg. The nerves sounded like a junkyard crash! He noted that my leg was atrophying due to the severe nerve damage--- physical therapy was most likely the best recourse.
I asked for pain medication. He suggested that I take 4 Advil and 4 Tylenol together---that was the same as 1 Darvon, he said. I was already taking 12 Advil and 12 Tylenol a day!
Physical Therapy offered some relief---they taught me how to properly walk with a cane, which I was too embarrassed to use it and therefore sparingly used it. When my son got married at the beach, I wasn't even able to take a walk on the soft sand with everyone. I felt disconnected. The weight I gained from inactivity made me even more miserable.
Simultaneously, I had developed severe arthritis in my right knee and was going for steroid shots. That was, until one day, I asked the (young) doctor, "Am I going to have to get these injections the rest of my life?" His reply sent me reeling. "What do you expect at your age?" I never returned.
My friend had the iMRS 2000 and I had heard positive things about it. I was intrigued with the science of changing DNA through the use of magnetic therapy. I purchased an iMRS, Pulsating ElectroMagnetic Field system without ever trying it---not once.
I was at the place of my life where everything else had failed and became concerned with all the Advil and Tylenol I was taking. When you reach that level of pain and frustration, you're willing to try just about anything. I put the iMRS on my charge card and never looked back.
Now, through rebuilding cellular structure, the mat is used as a bridge to relieve my chronic sciatic back pain. My right ankle is still an inch smaller than my left but who knows the extent of damage that would have been done if I hadn't found PEMF?
I like to tell my story as I feel that I am my best testimonial. Daily use of the mat relieved my pain by regenerating cellular damage. I was told that the nerves across my ankle were dead, and I know that the research shows that weak cells can be regenerated but once that are dead, they can not be restored, but I believe that mine are slowly but surely coming back.
I am now able to take walks, hikes, hold my grandsons, play with them on the floor ---constantly moving up and down without help. I can't even remember that last time I took any pain reliever. My arthritic pain is now a thing of the past.
After all of my personal results, I became a Health Technician for Swiss Bionics to help others in pain know that they too can end their suffering as I have.
Please know that I have the greatest respect for modern medicine and doctors. I would never suggest for you to not follow your doctor's instructions, but this technology is so advanced that many physicians simple do not know about it.
Just as anything new takes time to be accepted, so does Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field energy. I predict that within the next 10 years, PEMF will be an accepted form of pain relief and recognized as prevention to illness.
Note that I practice Transcendental Meditation; a CranioSacral therapist; a Psych-K facilitator and other energy modalities, such as Ho'ponopono.
A retired teacher of children with special needs, I am thrilled to embark upon a second career of Health Technician for Swiss Bionics.
My educational background includes Certification as Supervisor of Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh, and a M.Ed. in special education from California University of PA.
I have been a long active advocate for all children, particularly those with Autism, Life Skills Support, and Learning Disabilities. The PEMF system has demonstrated a quieting of the mind for many autistic children as well as children without disabilities.
Call me if you are interested in scheduling a session for your child. My four year old grandson said, "The mat makes me feel 100%!" It can do the same for you too.
Professional memberships include Peaceburgh, a Pittsburgh based magazine/ organization; 'What the Bleep' Group, Professional Women of Pittsburgh; Philanthropic Educational Organization; registered with the Upledger Institute;
and, a member of Heart of Pittsburgh.
Bottom line is that I am a regular person, just like you. If using the iMRS can help me, it can help you too.